Translations available:
- Le Kâma Sûtra (FR) - ISBN : 2-0807-1000-1
- Kama Sutra (IT) - ISBN : 88-7031-920-2
- Kâma Sûtra (NL) - ISBN : 9789069638683
ISBN : 0-89281-492-6
Treatise of Eroticism by Vâtsyâyana.
Inner Traditions International, Rochester, 1994.
The First Unabridged Modern Translation of the Classic Indian Text
“With the “”Jayamangalâ”” Commentary in Sanskrit by Yashodhara and Excerpts from a Commentary in Hindi by Devadatta Shastri.
Translated by Alain Daniélou, and Co-translated by Kenneth F. Hurry.
RFI — Interview AD by Julia Crawford — Kama Sutra, 1/5/92 (in English)